4 :: Angelic Invitation
:: Introduction


Welcome to the Angelic Invitation. Please, take a moment to watch the introduction video and listen to the introduction audios. They will explain how to best ‘receive’ the blessings that this course has to offer you. Remember, the 3 Keys Are Eternal, Always Present, and Can Help You Anytime.

Personal Note:

Thank You.
 Thank You for investing in yourself.
I’ve taught these materials to hundreds of individuals, and I’ve received consistently positive reports – hence this course!
As we progress…
 I ask that you honor your own healing journey – you are neither ahead of or behind anyone – because all is balancing out on all planes of existence especially Masculine = Feminine Equality.
If you’re a Warrior-Acheiver... “Aho” I see You. But, remember, we know how to fight – we’re here to remember surrender…

If you’re Unclear or Stuck (difficulty moving forward).

A Lesson Yet Learned… “No Worries” I understand you. But, remember, momentum builds up and 1-3 steps a day add up rather fast – action gets easier.

If you’re Sensitive and Healing a Wound…“You’re Safe” and I understand. But, remember, your light is YOURS and you can reclaim it should you choose – “What’s Mine Is Mine – What’s Your’s is Yours… Let Go.” 


If I reduce this entire course into a sentence,

 it would be this:

You are a being of Purpose, Awareness, Love, Joy, Prosperity, Peace, and Freedom who agreed to forget this – only so you could remember.

You’re here to REMEMBER… 

So, again, I ask you to honor your process – some of us took on a LOT because we’re capable, but ‘damn’ lol – steady as we go forward.

Jai Ma!



Freedom of Approach

You are unique. As such, I’ve included three different approaches for you to consider based on your available time, desire for mastery, and interest in depth…  



While the 3 Keys are eternal, you may favor one key over the others.

This curriculum offers different methods to assist you in your empowerment, clarifying, and healing journey. 

Written Training Materials

offer you a conversational format for deeper consideration. While strategic, these conversations are intentionally playful (so please note any aspect of you being overly serious as that is an aspect of you that deserves a little more joy, love, and laughter). These videos will discuss the topic, offer carefully created ‘activations,’ and help to provide greater clarity. They also contain a distinct Angelic Resonance that you can ‘feel’ into. Jai Ma.

Vision Audios

are an Angelic Invitations to walk with 3 Archangels and 3 Archeia. The Archangel represents the Divine Masculine of the energy. The Archeia represents the Divine Feminine of the energy.

Archangel Michael and Lady Faith oversee the Key of Power. 

Archangel Chamuel and Lady Charity oversee the Key of Love.

Archangel Jophiel and Lady Christine oversee the Key of Light.

They are chiefs of the 3 Keys. Think of them as ‘elders,’ ‘mentors,’ or ‘old friends.’ Know that they love you regardless of how you feel about them (or yourself). And they will never influence you in any way without your direct permission. And if you do give permission, they will only offer Divine Influences to help you further embody your Power, Light, and Love Essences. Each visit will deepen and expand the vision and blessings.

Mantra Audios 

are potentially the most impactful and profound aspect of this course. Refresher, a ‘mantra’ is a sound, word, or phrase repeated consciously to evoke a higher state of awareness. The mantras of these 3 Keys have been carefully crafted. Each contains a unique angelic frequency that you will hear playing in the background. 

These mantras can be played in the background or can be used for deep meditation.

These mantras are remarkably powerful, illuminating, and loving (perspectively), and can be used to dismiss lower-vibrational thoughts or emotions. Think of these mantras as a sort of ‘reset’ override stitch;they can function as a ‘protective’ bubble.

Affirmation Audios

are a sort of modern alchemy.’

*Please Use Stereo Headphones*

Two separate continuums of Affirmation Meditation are woven into these audios. At first, you may want to listen to them separately to clearly hear the message being relayed. The intention is to offer your conscious mind too much stimulation to focus on – thus encouraging greater Awareness. In essence, this is an alchemical process intended to help harmonize the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within you.

By (1) having two conversations happening at once thus distracting the ‘inner-distractor,’ and (2) by offering rhythmic affirmations in a meditative way thus helping your subconscious mind to soften its resistances so you can easily receive these Affirmation Meditations. 



Honor Your Process…

The Practice of these 3 Keys will be a balance between awareness, focus, and time…  And surrender, breathing, and acceptance. The Experience of this practice will fluctuate. 

+ As you integrate all aspects of yourself with loving acceptance –

+ As you empower yourself and reclaim lost / stolen power – 

+ As you embrace your light as a conscious creator and take responsibility – 

You will have ‘expansion‘ days and you will have ‘contraction‘ days. This work is very deep and very absolute. Honor your rhythms. Your healing in non-leniar. When You are unsure of how to proceed (or if you are experiencing thoughts or feelings of resistance, confusion, or discomfort):

1) Take a DEEP breath. Be Still… Take a DEEPER breath. Be Stillness… Even in chaos, confusion, or despair. There is always a ‘center of the storm.’ Always. *This is a very overlooked MASTERY SKILL. Its often ‘talked about’ – yet it is easily overlooked in a contraction moment.

2) Ask, ‘what aspect of me needs my attention, right now?’ Be patient with yourself.

3) Notice the response. If scared or alonesay, ‘I Love You, If wrathful or angry – say, ‘I Honor You and Your Pain.’ If conflicted or confused – say, ‘Its Okay, this is what it looks like while I figure it out,’  … Breathe into this energy – allowing it to pass. In essence, breathe into the contraction. Allow it to run its course. You may envision Violet Fire or Light softly wrapping around you. This is an archetypal reflection of Divine Mercy, Forgiveness, and Miracles.

4) Speak this agreement, ‘From the core of my Divine Presence, the I AM within me, I AM Loved, I AM Protected, I AM Light… I AM Freedom. Take a few deep breaths. 

5) Let your intuition guide you. Divine Mother and Divine Father KNOW what you need. Your ‘intuition’ is your 6th-sense that connects you with your inner Divine Presence, I AM Presence, Higher Self, or DIvine-Truth and this guidance is ALWAYS there… You must ‘attune’ to it at all times. 

Divine Intuition is never an automatic occurrence (even in flow). You, the AWARENESS, must honor ‘free-will’ and FOCUS on your Divine Intuition… Always. THEN, you must HONOR THE LESSON. Some lessons happen over life-times. Cycles continue to play out in different ways until you face them, accept that they exist to serve to teach you (never punish), and only you can integrate this aspect of your Wholeness (instead of hiding from, fighting with, or ignoring the lesson).

Be Mindful and Aware of your (1) shadow energy (repressed aspects of yourself), (2) unclean energetic connections (negativity from other people or factors), (3) cardinal mind (lower-ego, willful-ignorances, avoids lessons), . AWARENESS IS THE 4th KEY (which we will discuss another time).

Remember, there is a Divine Knowing within you who KNOWS what you truly need, how to receive it, and what action to take in any given moment – there is ALWAYS AN INNER KNOWING – but this Divine Aspect is the ‘still small voice’ behind the ‘harsh,’ ‘confusing,’ or ‘fearful’ voices.

Love Thyself.

Honor Thyself.

Know Thyself.




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